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  • OmniPrice

    SalesPad Desktop offers a stored procedure for running OmniPrice. To download the procedure, click here [].  Please note that this spcp i...

  • Notes Review

    OVERVIEW Notes Review is a function in SalesPad that will block users from creating a sales document until they review the notes. A popup will show the notes to the user and allow them to adjust the ...

  • Matrix Items

    OVERVIEW SalesPad Matrix functionality allows a company to set up matrix item definitions and add lines to sales documents in a matrix view. Using the Matrix allows for faster order entry of items wi...

  • Kwiktag

    OVERVIEW SalesPad GP can be used with KwikTag—a document management system that coordinates documents, departments, and different business processes in your organization. KwikTag is a web-based syste...

  • Kit Exploder

    OVERVIEW The Kit Exploder allows for kits or packages, added outside of SalesPad, to be expanded as if they were packages added within SalesPad. The feature also gives you the ability to convert Kits...

  • National Item Substitution Maintenance

    OVERVIEW The Item Substitution Maintenance feature in Sales Pad allows you to add or delete item substitutions at the National Account level. For example, a national management company with multiple...

  • Group Pricing Maintenance

    OVERVIEW The group pricing maintenance form allows you to selectively mass update price type, price source, price/percent amount, quantity start, and quantity end to existing group pricings. USAGE ...

  • Group Pricing Excel Import Export

    OVERVIEW Group pricing excel import and export can be used to export/import group pricing records to and from Microsoft Excel spreadsheets. IMPORT EXCEL FILE FORMAT The Excel file must follow the s...

  • Group Pricing

    OVERVIEW Similar to Custom / Special Pricing, [] SalesPad’s group pricing module allows users to set up special pricing for a group of customers or a group of c...

  • Gift Certificates

    OVERVIEW The Gift Certificate function supports the sale and redemption of serialized gift certificates. This functionality requires setup in both GP and SalesPad. SETUP Note: In order to sell and ...