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FedEx Address Validation


FedEx Address Validation adds the ability to validate addresses through FedEx's API. Addresses are validated on the Customer Address card and the Ship To Address on a sales document.

Note: This functionality requires an additional dll to use. Please contact SalesPad Support to request the dll for your build of SalesPad. 

Settings Setup
  1. Navigate to Settings and locate the Address Tools section.
  2. Select FedExAddressQueryHandler from the list of Address Query Handlers.
  3. Locate the FedEx Validation section under settings.
  4. Fill out each field with the appropriate FedEx credentials. 
  5. Click Save.
Customer Address card
  1. Navigate to a Customer Address card.
  2. Input the desired information and click Save. The address will be validated upon the save.
Sales Document Addresses Tab
  1. Navigate to the Addresses Tab on a new or open sales document.
  2. If needed, the update the Ship To Address.
  3. Save the sales document. The Ship To Address will be validated upon the save.

Address Query Handlers - Specify the Address Query Handler to be used. This item has no default value.

Note: This must be set to FedEx Query Handler to use FedEx address validation. Without the FedEx Address Validation dll, this option will not be available.

DPV Shipping Method - DPV (Delivery Point Validation) indicates that an address can receive mail. When this setting is filled in, an address that has a valid DPV will have this shipping method set. This item has no default value.

FedEx Meter Number - FedEx user meter number used for authorization. This item has no default value.

FedEx User Account Number - FedEx user account number used for authorization. This item has no default value.

FedEx User Credential Key - FedEx user credential key used for authorization. This item has no default value.

FedEx User Credential Password - FedEx user credential password used for authorization. This item has no default value.

Post Address Validation Script - C# script that fires after an address has been validated. This item has no default value. Parameters: CustomerAddr Customer Address, SalesPad.Bus.SalesDocument sd, SalesPad.Module.FedExAddressVAlidation.WebReference.AddressValidationReply response

Validation Precision - Determines how precise the address validation should be. Exact means the entire address needs to be matched by FedEx, Medium means it will validate the street/city combination but not necessarily the house number. Defaults to Medium.

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  1. Will Miedema

  2. Posted
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