The Data Cross Reference screen is the primary location for information related to EDI Trading Partners. This screen allows users to specify Trading Partner information including Trading Partner ID, the corresponding SalesPad/GP customer, matching rules for assigning information like addresses and items, and which EDI documents each Trading Partner will use.
Security and Settings
EDI Data Cross Reference – Gives users access to EDI Data Cross Reference.
Use Only Shipping Method to Determine Outbound Carrier Information – Forces Carrier Information on outbound documents to be determined solely by the shipping method. Defaults to False.
Data Cross Reference Configuration
The Data Cross Reference screen is divided into two sections: Partners and their Data Cross Reference mappings.
The Partners section of the screen is where Trading Partner information is defined.
The three buttons along the top let you create new partners, copy existing partners, or delete existing partners.
To create a new Trading Partner:
- Click New to create an empty row.
- In the new row, enter pertinent information in the fields corresponding to the column headers. By default, the fields break down as follows:
- Trading Partner ID – This is the unique ID used to reference each Trading Partner. This information is provided by SPS during the beginning phase of the implementation process.
- Partnership – This is the relationship you have with the Trading Partner. This is either Buyer (Customer in SalesPad/GP) or Vendor (Vendor in SalesPad/GP). SalesPad currently only supports the Buyer partnership.
- Customer/Vendor Num – This is the customer or vendor number set up in SalesPad/GP that corresponds to the Trading Partner. This value acts as a Customer/Vendor Lookup based on Partnership. Because of this, only Customer Lookup is currently supported.
- Customer/Vendor Name – The Customer or Vendor Name is based on the value chosen for Customer/Vendor Number. This field is auto-populated.
- EDI – This is a list of EDI documents this Trading Partner will be utilizing.
- Is Enabled – This checkbox determines whether or not the Trading Partner entry is enabled and active.
- Label UID – This is the value used to determine what label should be used when printing labels for the Trading Partner. Values come from a list of available labels from SPS.
- Once the information is entered, click Save at the top of the screen.
- Continue to enter additional Trading Partners as required by repeating the steps above. The copy feature can also be used to quickly create Trading Partner entries with similar information. Simply select the desired Trading Partner to copy and click Copy, and then alter whatever information is different between the two Trading Partners.
Data Cross Reference
The Data Cross Reference section is where Trading Partner cross references can be set up to translate the information that comes in on the EDI document into the corresponding values in SalesPad/GP.
The Data Cross Reference types that can be set up include: Addresses, Items, UofMs, Currencies, Payment Terms, Shipping Methods, Status Codes, Item Export Fields, Generic Values, and Customers.
The Addresses tab is used to translate address codes sent in by the Trading Partner into the address codes that are set up for the cross-referenced customer in SalesPad/GP.
- Click the New button to add a blank row for data entry.
- Alternative: Clicking the Add All Addresses button will add all the address codes for the associated customer automatically. All that is left to do is to enter the corresponding Partner Address Codes.
- Alternative: Clicking the arrow next to the New button will bring up an option to import the address cross reference values from an Excel spreadsheet.
- Enter the desired address code value from the Trading Partner in the Partner Address Code field.
- Choose the desired corresponding address code setup in SalesPad/GP. This should be a dropdown list of address codes for the associated customer.
- Continue to enter addresses as desired. Once you’ve finished, click the Save button to save any changes.
The Items tab is used to translate item numbers sent in from the Trading Partner to the item numbers that exist in SalesPad/GP. SalesPad can handle several different methods of Trading Partners sending over item numbers, including Partner Item Number, UPC, EAN (International Article Number), and GTIN (Global Trade Item Number).
- Click the New button to add a blank row for data entry.
- Alternative: Clicking the arrow next to the New button will bring up an option to import item cross reference values from an Excel spreadsheet.
- Alternative: Clicking the arrow next to the New button will bring up an option to import item cross reference values from an Excel spreadsheet.
- The method in which the Trading Partners are sending in Item Number information will determine when to enter the Item Number information. If the Trading Partner is sending Item Number information in multiple fields, all the fields being sent over can be filled in on the Items Cross Reference tab. For example, if the Trading Partner sends the Partner Item Number as well as GTIN, both can be entered and referenced to the same Item Number in SalesPad/GP.
- Choose the corresponding Item Number for the Item Numbers sent in from the Trading Partner. This field is an Item Number Lookup screen, so entering a partial item number will launch the Inventory Lookup screen.
- Continue to enter items as desired. Once complete, click the Save button to save the recent changes.
The UofMs tab is used to translate UofMs sent in from the Trading Partner to the UofMs that exist in SalesPad/GP. Along with cross referencing, this screen provides the ability to create a UofM conversion in the case where a UofM sent in from the Trading Partner does not directly translate to a UofM setup in SalesPad/GP.
- Click the New button to add a blank row for data entry.
- Enter the UofM being sent from the Trading Partner in the Partner Unit of Measure field.
- Choose the corresponding UofM Schedule set up in SalesPad/GP from the dropdown list available in the Unit of Measure Schedule. Once selected, the UofM Schedule Description will populate based on the schedule setup.
- Enter the corresponding UofM from the dropdown list available in the Unit Of Measure field. This list is populated based on the UofM Schedule selected in the previous step.
If a Trading Partner’s UofM does not translate directly to an already set up UofM in SalesPad/GP, there is the option to create a conversion. An example of this would be the Trading Partner’s Case UofM, which is equal to 8 Each, while your Case UofM is equal to 10. See the screenshot below to see how to translate the above scenario.
- From the Convert Type field, there is a multiply option and a divide option. Choose the option based on how the Trading Partner UofM needs to be converted.
- The Convert Unit field is the value needed to make the Trading Partner’s UofM equal to a UofM set up in SalesPad/GP.
- Continue to enter UofMs as desired. Once complete, click the Save button to save the recent changes.
The Currencies tab is used to translate currency values sent in by the Trading Partner to the currency types that are set up in SalesPad/GP.
- Click the New button to add a blank row for data entry.
- Choose the desired currency being sent from the Trading Partner in the Partner Currency field. This field is a dropdown with available currency options.
- Once the Partner Currency field loses focus, the Currency field will populate based on the value in the Partner Currency field. This can be adjusted as needed. This field is a dropdown with available options set up in SalesPad/GP.
- Continue to enter currencies as desired. Once complete, click Save to record the recent changes.
Payment Terms
The Payment Terms tab is used to translate payment terms sent in by the Trading Partner to the payment terms that are set up in SalesPad/GP. Some Trading Partners may have different spellings, abbreviations or code references for their Payment Terms.
- Click the New button to add a blank row for data entry.
- Alternative: Clicking the arrow next to the New button will bring up an option to import item cross reference values from an Excel spreadsheet.
- Alternative: Clicking the arrow next to the New button will bring up an option to import item cross reference values from an Excel spreadsheet.
Enter the Trading Partner code for a Payment Term they have sent and you wish to reference to your internal Payment Term.
Choose the corresponding Payment Term for the Payment Term sent in from the Trading Partner. This field is a menu so you can start typing your payment term and it should auto populate the first match it finds in your system.
Continue to enter payment terms as desired. Once complete, click the Save button to save the recent change.
Shipping Methods
The Shipping Methods tab is used to translate Shipping Methods sent in by the Trading Partner into the carrier information that is set up in SalesPad/GP. You will need to set up the Default Carrier Information first, as the Shipping Methods reference this table in SalesPad. Refer to the Default Carrier Information section of our online documentation on Trading Partner Setup Steps for more information. You will need to set up mappings for each Shipping Method that each Trading Partner intends to use, unless their code happens to match yours.
- Click the New button to add a blank row for data entry.
- Alternative: Clicking the arrow next to the New button will bring up an option to import item cross reference values from an Excel spreadsheet.
- Alternative: Clicking the arrow next to the New button will bring up an option to import item cross reference values from an Excel spreadsheet.
Enter the Partner Carrier Alpha Code for a Shipping Method they have sent and you wish to reference to your internal Shipping Method. you will also need to select the Partner Trans Method Code (typically M for Motor), a Partner Service Level Code (Typically SG for Standard Ground) and a Partner Carrier Routing (usually similar to the Carrier Alpha Code).
When you select your matching internal Shipping Method, the Shipping Method Description will auto populate. The Shipping Method list comes directly from your Default Carrier Information in SalesPad.
Continue to enter Shipping Methods as desired. Once complete, click the Save button to save the recent change.
Status Codes
The Status Codes tab is only used for the EDI 870 Order Status Document. Based on the queue the order is in, it sends the corresponding status code. (note: the EDI 870 is not a standard integrated document and will require consulting or development assistance).
Click the New button to add a blank row for data entry
Alternative: Clicking the arrow next to the New button will bring up an option to import item cross reference values from an Excel spreadsheet.
Enter the Status Code and select the Sales Doc ID and Sales Batch to match for sending the 870 Order Status Document.
Continue to enter Status Codes as desired. Once complete, click the Save button to save the recent change.
Item Export Fields
The Item Export Fields tab allows for customization of the Excel file generated during the EDI 846 process.
- Click the New button to add a blank row for data entry.
- Alternative: Clicking the arrow next to the New button will bring up an option to import item cross reference values from an Excel spreadsheet.
- Alternative: Clicking the arrow next to the New button will bring up an option to import item cross reference values from an Excel spreadsheet.
Enter the Business Object (Item Master, Inventory By Location, or EDI Cross reference Item), Column Name from the business object, Column Name you wish to reference, a Static Value if applicable, and any scripting to update the data as desired.
Once a Business Object is selected, the Field Names should be a list of options related to that Business Object. Column Names, Statis Values and Scripts you will need to manually enter.
Continue to enter Item Export Fields and related data as desired. Once complete, click the Save button to save the recent change.
Generic Values
The Generic Values tab is used to translate any other values from the Trading Partner to values in SalesPad/GP. A common generic cross reference would be Payment Terms. Generic Values are not set up from the Data Cross Reference screen, but from the Business Object Mapping, due to the number of generic values that could be cross referenced. For specific questions relating to the Business Object Mapping screen, see the documentation for that screen. The screenshots below will walk through creating a Generic Value Cross Reference on an 850 for Payment Terms.
- Open the Business Object Mapping screen by navigating to the EDI tab and choosing Business Object Mapping.
- Choose the EDI document you want to use to map a Generic Value.
- Once the document is selected, the mappings should appear at the bottom half of the screen. Find the mapping element you want for the Generic Value.
- Choose the Property Name, Business Object, and Field Name for the element to be mapped, if these values are not already filled out.
- In the Cross Reference field, choose Generic Value from the dropdown and tab off.
- A Data Cross Reference screen will appear. On the left, choose the Trading Partner you want for the Generic Value. On the right, click the New button.
- Schema Name and Element Name should populate based on the element selected prior to choosing the Generic Value option.
- In the EDI Value field, enter the value coming in from the Trading Partner. Enter the corresponding SalesPad/GP value in the Great Plains Value.
- Continue to enter Generic Values for this element for the other Trading Partners if needed.
- Once complete, click OK. A save prompt will appear. Once saved, the Generic Value Cross Reference values will appear on the Generic Values tab in the Data Cross Reference screen for each Trading Partner.
Customer Mapping
EDI customer mapping allows a single trading partner to be mapped to multiple GP customers. This requires flagging one or more Customer Matchable Fields in the Business Object Mapping, then using the Data Cross Reference to specify which values should match to which customers and which addresses should be used for those customers.
A common use case is a trading partner who places orders that ship to multiple addresses, where each address is associated with a separate customer within GP. In this scenario, the Ship To Address field on the incoming EDI document can be used to determine which customer the EDI document should map to. This use case is shown in the example setup below.
Business Object Mapping
In the Business Object Mapping, in the Elements grid, a Customer Matchable Field column is now available. This column defines which fields can hold a value that can be matched to a particular GP customer. In the screenshot above, the AddressLocationNumber field in the Ship To Address section has been flagged as a Customer Matchable Field.
Multiple fields can be set as a matchable field. When multiple fields are set, only one of the matchable fields need to match to determine the customer. If none of the matchable fields match across all mapped customers, then the default customer set in the Trading Partner’s Data Cross Reference will be used.
Data Cross Reference - Customers
The Customers tab of the Data Cross Reference is where Customer Matchable Fields from the Business Object Mapping screen are mapped to specific customers.
Select the relevant Trading Partner row in the Partners grid.
Select the Customers tab.
Click the New button to add a new row to the grid.
Define the Match Value - this is the value that any of the Customer Matchable Fields must have in order to match to this customer.
Define the Customer Number by typing it in or by clicking the ellipses button to use the Customer Search popup window.
The Customer Name will populate for reference.
The Match Value for each row in sequence is compared against all fields that have been defined as Customer Matchable Fields in the Business Object Mapping. For each row, if any of the values of the Customer Matchable Fields matches this Match Value, then this row’s customer will be used. If none of the fields matches the Match Value, then the next row is tested. If none of the Match Values match, then the default Customer Number that is defined in the Partners grid for this Trading Partner ID is used.
Data Cross Reference - Addresses
Once the Customers tab has been set up, the Addresses tab must also be filled out. This tab is used to define which addresses to use depending on which customer was matched and what the value is in the incoming EDI document.
Select the relevant Trading Partner row in the Partners grid.
Select the Addresses tab.
Click the New button to add a new row to the grid.
Define the Partner Address Code value that will match to this address row.
Select the Customer Number, which allows selecting any of the customers defined in the Customers tab as well as the default Customer Number that is defined in the Partners grid for this Trading Partner ID.
The Customer Name will populate for reference.
Select the Address Code that should be assigned for this row’s Partner Address Code, which allows selecting any of the address codes that exist for this row’s customer.
In the screenshot above, if the Partner Address Code is “BILLING” and the matched customer is “BAKERSEM0001”, then the “ACCOUNTING” address code will be used. If the same Partner Address Code came in, but the matched customer was “AARONFIT0001”, then the “WAREHOUSE” address code would be used.
Both the Customers tab and the Addresses tab provide import and export functionality for easier migration of data between production and test companies.
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