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Customer Address Card PreSave Script

The Customer Address Card in SalesPad has a security property where C# script can be used to evaluate the customer before creation.

The script can validate the data, return a message, or message the data before it is saved to the database.

Here is an example that demonstrates a number of possible uses:

string message = "";

if (addr.val_Zip == "")


e.Cancel = true;

message += "Enter a Zipcode\n";


return message;

Important Reminders and Suggestions:

  • This script is considered "as is" and any changes/modifications that might be needed would require a signed quote.
  • If you are required to change a Security Option or Setting, your users will need to restart SalesPad before the changes take effect.
  • Please install this on a test machine and run it against a test database before using it on your live system.
  • You should always make sure you have a database backup prior to installing new software.
  • Database Triggers, after final delivery, are the responsibility of the dealer/customer. SalesPad will not be responsible for maintaining copies of custom database objects.
  • C# scripts, after final delivery, are the responsibility of the dealer/customer.
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