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Orphan Purchase Plans

In some cases, there may be extraneous purchase plans visible on the Choose Purchase Plan Items screen (Modules > Purchasing Advisor > Purchase)

The selected purchase plan should correspond to the sales document number. The presence of other sales document numbers on this list indicates either other users are currently in the process of creating purchase orders, or SalesPad has crashed during the purchasing process and has not cleared the purchase plan. If the latter is true, you can delete the entries from spPurchasePlanItem with the following script:

delete from spPurchasePlanItem where Purchase_Plan = 'ORDSTXXXX'

Important Reminders and Suggestions:

  • This script is considered as is and any changes/modifications that might be needed would require a signed quote.
  • If you are required to change a Security Option or Setting, your users will need to restart SalesPad before the changes take effect.
  • Please install this on a test machine and run it against a test database before using it on your live system.
  • You should always make sure you have a database backup prior to installing new software.
  • Database Triggers, after final delivery, are the responsibility of the dealer/customer. SalesPad will not be responsible for maintaining copies of custom database objects.
  • C# scripts, after final delivery, are the responsibility of the dealer/customer.
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