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Overriding Shortages


If line items added to a sales document are showing up as backordered (Red exclamation point) but are known to actually be in stock, this backorder can be manually overridden as long as SOP setup is not set to use a separate fulfillment process, and there is no quantity available for the item or items.


Note: SalesPad only supports overriding shortages if multi-bin is not in use.

  1. Make sure that the following column headers are visible in the Line Items tab: Qty BO, Qty Fulfilled, Invoice Qty (If not, right-click on a column, click Column Chooser, and drag columns to the header).
  2. Change the Qty BO column on the line item to "0."
  3. Change the Qty Fulfilled column on the line item to match the Qty column.
  4. Change the Invoice Qty column on the line item to match the Qty column.
  5. Save the document.

Sales Document Line Items> Can Change Backorder Quantity - Determines if a user can change th eBackordedr Qty on Sales Document Lines. Defaults to 'True'.

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  1. Will Miedema

  2. Posted
  3. Updated


  1. Tim Stenstrop

    Will Miedema, curious; why the invoice qty. What does that do?