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  • DataCollection Version Mismatch

    If you've recently noticed that DataCollection is acting up, or that your scanners are not functioning as expected, you may be dealing with a version mismatch. Luckily, the fix should not take very lo...

  • License Plating

    Overview License plating (often referred to as Palletizing or Palletization) is a method of grouping items under a single moniker, allowing them to be processed as a group without having any of their ...

  • Assembly Entry

    Overview In DataCollection iOS and Android, the Assembly Entry module allows users to select a Bill of Materials and a quantity that will be produced at a specified site. When the assembly is posted i...

  • In-Transit Transfers (Picking & Receiving)

    In-transit transfers (ITTs) can be fulfilled and received within DataCollection iOS and Android, as of DataCollection version (and above). Note: Currently, this functionality is only available...

  • Receipt Monitor

    Overview The Receipt Monitor provides a complete view of all open receipt documents in your system, and each document’s status. Receipt Monitor can be configured to show only the desired workflow batc...

  • Serial/Lot Attributes

    Overview The Serial/Lot Attributes screen allows users to assign attributes to their serial or lot tracked items. Users can see manufactured dates, expiration dates, and many other characteristics for...

  • Package Editor

    Overview The Package Editor module allows users to pack previously fulfilled sales line items using the DataCollection Console. Usage Search for a sales document using a document number or a customer ...

  • Package Setup

    Overview The Package Setup module allows users to create various Package Types. Package Types can have different attributes, such as description, weight, height, width, length, and shipping cost. Pack...

  • Picking Audit

    Overview The Picking Audit module serves as an audit log that tracks picking transactions from the DataCollection mobile application. Usage Picking Audit displays results based on search criteria. Sea...

  • Purchase Order Receiving

    Overview The Receiving screen allows users to quickly receive one or more purchase orders. Users search for receipt lines by vendor or purchase order number. Results display PO line items with their o...