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DataCollection Validation


The following validations are performed when data for the pick is entered, before the transaction is submitted:

  • Doc #: Verifies that a valid order number has been entered and has not already been picked
  • Item: Verifies that the item number entered is on the sales document selected
  • Bin: If the Bin link is clicked, validation is run to check for bins with available inventory / matching serial #s (if the item is serial controlled). However, an invalid bin can be manually entered.
  • S/L: Verifies that duplicated serials are not entered and the quantity to pick is not exceeded
    Note: If 10,000+ serials are available for an item, using the lookup will crash the application.
  • Qty: Verifies that a number/decimal is entered
  • Site: No validation performed

Once the transaction is submitted, the following fields are validated:

  • Doc # is checked for existence
  • Quantity is checked to not allow over picking
  • Serial / lot is checked for validity
  • Bin is checked for validity
Bin Transfers

The following validations are performed when data for the transfer is entered, before the transaction is submitted:

  • Site: By default, this field will be set to the warehouse established in the setup. If the Site link is clicked, validation is run to gather all available sites. No validation is performed for Site IDs manually entered.
  • From: If the From link is clicked, validation is run to check for bins within the site selected. However, an invalid From Bin can be manually entered.
  • Item: Verifies the item number is not blank
  • S/L: When manually entering S/Ls: verifies that duplicated serials are not entered. When the link is clicked: verifies serials exist for the item number entered.
  • To: If the To link is clicked, validation is run to check for bins within the site selected. However, an invalid To Bin can be manually entered.
  • Qty: Verifies that a number/decimal is entered
    Note: No validation performed

Once the transfer is submitted, the following fields are validated:

  • Item number is checked for existence
  • If the From Bin is the same as the To Bin, the transfer will not be completed
  • To Bin is checked for existence
  • Serial / lot is checked for validity
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