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  • Order in Which Pricing is Applied in SalesPad

    ORDER OF PRICING (LISTED HIGHEST PRIORITY TO LOWEST PRIORITY) 1. CONTRACT PRICING (HIGHEST PRIORITY) Price Type Price Source Fixed Amount None   * Grouped Contracts – Multiple items are counte...

  • Orphan Purchase Plans

    In some cases, there may be extraneous purchase plans visible on the Choose Purchase Plan Items screen (Modules > Purchasing Advisor > Purchase) [img src="

  • Open and Historical Invoice with Same Document Number

    Having both an open and historical invoice with the same document number can occur when an invoice is open at the same time the batch is being posted. See the example image below: [img src="https://k...

  • New Order Adds Line Item Automatically

    A cleared lock or similar situation can sometimes cause a record to be added to the SOP10200 table. The added record will have no SOP Number, so any new orders created in SalesPad will display it as a...

  • No Licenses Available for SalesPad

    NO LICENSES AVAILABLE FOR SALESPAD – ALL USERS LOCKED OUT If you are experiencing this issue: -­-Log into SQL Server Management Studio -­-Under the TEMPDB database, find the spActivity table and re...

  • My Sales Analysis Report is not displaying any recent data. What happened?

    The Sales Analysis Report reads tables that are automatically updated each night by a timed SQL job. The SQL job is run by the SQL Server Agent. You can access the agent in the Object Explorer pane o...

  • Error when Posting a Receipt

    **ERROR: The ACCRUED distribution(s) don’t equal the actual amount. OR **ERROR: The PURCH distribution(s) don’t equal the actual amount. This means that the distribution accounts are not fully set u...

  • Error When Emailing in SalesPad

    ERROR When emailing within SalesPad, you may encounter the following error: Mailbox unavailable. The server response was: 5.7.1 Unable to relay [img src="

  • Index and Length Must Refer to a Location within the String

    If the following error is thrown when trying to open a customer in Customer Search: Index and length must refer to a location within the string. Parameter name: length, there is a corrupt grid layout....

  • GP Professional Services Tools Library and SalesPad

    OVERVIEW The Professional Services Tools Library (PSTL) is designed for use in Microsoft Dynamics GP. All of the free tools contained in the library are compatible with the core modules in GP. The to...