This is a list of SalesPad stored procedures that have the code to call an spcp (SalesPad Custom Procedure). Custom procedures do not get overwritten or deleted when you run a database update for SalesPad. If you modify the stock procedure, it will get refreshed any time you run the database update.
Called directly from the application:
- spcpAssemblyReport
- spcpARStatementReport
- spcpMOReport
- spcpPurchaseOrderReport
- spcpSalesDocumentReport
- spcpInventorySalesLineTransfer
- spcpInventorySalesTransfer
- spcpGetPONextNumber
- spcpUpdatePurchaseLine
- spcpCCProcessorInfo
- spcpOpportunityReport
- spcpServiceTransferReport
Called from a stored procedure:
- sppAvataxPostSave - spcpAvataxPostSave
- sppAvataxPreSave - spcpAvataxPreSave
- sppCustomerSummary - spcpCustomerSummary
- sppEvalWfRule - spcpEvalWfRule
- sppEvalWfRuleCondition - spcpEvalWfRuleCondition
- sppFulfillReturn - spcpFulfillReturn
- sppGetBulkPickTicketInfo - spcpGetBulkPickTicketInfo
- sppGetCustomZipInfo - spcpGetCustomZipInfo
- sppGetExtendedPricing - spcpGetExtendedPricing
- sppGetIDNumber - spcpGetIDNumber
- sppGetInventorySearch - spcpGetInventorySearch
- sppGetItemPriceExt - spcpGetItemPriceExtSerialLotBin
- sppGetItemPriceExt - spcpGetItemPriceExt
- sppGetItemPriceNonExt - spcpGetItemPriceNonExtSerialLotBin
- sppGetItemPriceNonExt - spcpGetItemPriceNonExt
- sppGetNextCustomerID - spcpGetNextCustomerID
- sppGetNextReceiptID - spcpGetNextReceiptNum
- sppGetNextVendorID - spcpGetNextVendorID
- sppGetShippingOptions - spcpGetShippingOptions
- sppItemBarcode - spcpItemBarcode
- sppPickMultibin - spcpPickMultibin
- sppRecalcFulfilled - spcpRecalcFulfilled
- sppRecalcRTVBatch - spcpRecalcRtvBatch
- sppRecalcSOPBatch - spcpRecalcSOPBatch
- sppSalesAnalysis - spcpSalesAnalysis
- sppSalesDocShippingDetail - spcpSalesDocShippingDetail
- sppSalesDocument_Connector_PostUpdate - spcpSalesDocument_Connector_PostUpdate
- sppSalesMonitor - spcpSalesMonitor
- sppUpdateAssembly - spcpGetNextAssemblyID
- sppUpdateCRMNote - spcpUpdateCRMNote
- sppUpdateCustomer - spcpGetNextCustomerID
- sppUpdateCustomerDiscountDetail - spcpUpdateCustomerDiscountDetail
- sppUpdateCustomerSecureCreditCard - spcpUpdateCustomerSecureCreditCard
- sppUpdateDW - spcpUpdateDW
- sppUpdateItemBarcode - spcpUpdateItemBarcode
- sppUpdateItemMaster - spcpUpdateItemMaster
- sppUpdateItemPriceList - spcpUpdateItemPriceList
- sppUpdateVendor - spcpGetNextVendorID
- sppVendorSummary - spcpVendorSummary
- sppGetNextOpportunityNumber - spcpGetNextOpportunityNumber
- sppGetNextProspectNumber - spcpGetNextProspectNumber
Note: To create your own custom procedure for stock procedures that allow it, you can take the original procedure, rename it to an spcp, and remove the section that calls the spcp and use that for the base procedure
Disclaimer: SalesPad is not responsible for code in the spcp nor any issues that are a result of modified logic used in the spcp procedure. If a support issue is found to be related to a customer written spcp, any time spent by SalesPad may be billable.
SalesPad Support