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My Sales Analysis Report is not displaying any recent data. What happened?

The Sales Analysis Report reads tables that are automatically updated each night by a timed SQL job. The SQL job is run by the SQL Server Agent.

You can access the agent in the Object Explorer pane of the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. If it is running, the agent will display a green arrow.

If it is not displaying a green arrow, you can check to see what has happened. To check:

  1. Expand the agent
  2. Expand the Jobs folder underneath it
  3. Right-click on a job and select View History from the option menu that appears

A list of past events is displayed, including error messages and problem alerts. The error messages should give you an idea of the root cause. Once the problem is resolved, you can right-click on the agent and start it. The nightly job will run again, starting where it left off on the last day it was working.

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