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  • EDI Service Setup

    To set up EDI as a service, please follow these steps: Click the EDI Service button located at the top of the screen Click Install As Service Once the Configure Service window appears, click Next On t...

  • Sales Document EDI Packages

    Overview The Sales Document Packages tab is where cartons intended for shipping are created. It is a necessary step in creating shipping labels using SPS’s web service, and it is also required to accu...

  • EDI Server Connection Setup

    Overview Before using SalesPad EDI, you must set up the Server Connection. This connection is what connects SalesPad Desktop to SPS Commerce, allowing the two programs to communicate. This allows the ...

  • EDI Scheduler

    Overview The EDI Scheduler is used to create a schedule for the system to retrieve new incoming EDI documents from the server. These EDI Documents will be downloaded and automatically processed based ...

  • EDI Processing

    Overview The EDI Processing screen provides an easy way to monitor incoming and outgoing EDI documents. It displays any errors that occur and can be setup to email whenever there are any issues that n...

  • EDI Installation

    Overview SalesPad EDI, powered by SPS Commerce, employs a ready-made, easy-to-use integration that seamlessly exchanges data out of and into SalesPad Desktop for omnichannel retail operations. Connect...

  • Data Cross Reference

    Overview The Data Cross Reference screen is the primary location for information related to EDI Trading Partners. This screen allows users to specify Trading Partner information including Trading Part...

  • Business Object Mapping

    Overview The Business Object Mapping window is where users can set up different EDI document types and configure how they are mapped to SalesPad documents. Each mapping can be set up to work with all ...