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ShipTo Residential Shipments


ShipTo – UPS Residential Shipping Flag

Follow the instructions below to have UPS mark an address as residential so the extra charge is added to the document shipping costs.

Note: This feature is available on ShipTo and above and is only for UPS at this time.

  1. Create a User Defined Field in SalesPad on the Sales Document object. It should be a true/false (Boolean) field (You can import the attached .xml into the User Field Editor – refer to the SalesPad User Defined Fields document for more information)
  2. Open ShipTo and go to the Options Manager. Find the ShipTo Import Options and set the Residential dropdown to the UDF created in step 1 (uf_ShipTo_Residential)
  3. Click OK. Log out and back in to ShipTo to save the settings

When the order is being entered in SalesPad, the user will check the ShipTo – Residential box on the User Fields tab to mark the shipment as a residential shipment.

When the document is imported from ShipTo to UPS WorldShip, a checked box will mark the UPS setting. Load UPS to see that Residential is checked:

Choose files or drag and drop files
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