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ShipTo FedEx Country Code Matching

FedEx has an option to match country codes if your GP/SalesPad country codes do not match FedEx requirements.

To set this option in FedEx Ship Manager:

  1. Click on Integration
  2. Click FedEx Integration Assistant
  3. Click Continue and click Continue again
  4. Make sure you are on Edit Existing Profile and that ShipTo is selected, and click Continue
  5. Click on the Import tab
  6. Click on the Conversion tab
  7. In the left column, click on Country

From here, you can find a country and next to it type the way it is entered when imported to the document. To use multiple aliases for each country, select a country and click Duplicate.

If you don't ship to a certain country, leave the field set to <None>. Save your changes.

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