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Purchase Receipt Entry

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Purchase Receipt Entry can be used to edit purchase receipts. The user can add new or delete existing receipt lines as well as generate receipt lines from PO lines. The user can also assign lot, serial, and bin (in multi-bin environments) information to each receipt line.



To enable the new Purchase Receipt functionality, navigate to the SalesPad dropdown and select Security Editor.

In the Security Editor screen, select the Security Group you wish to grant access to and navigate to one of the following securities in the Security section to grant access to the form/formlet/plugin and set any of its securities:

Receipt Search

To open the Receipt Search screen, select Receipt Search on the Application tab on the ribbon or go to Modules -> Purchasing -> Receipt Search.


Receipt Search - Create New Receipts - Allows users to create new receipts. Defaults to False.

Create New Receipt

To create a new purchase receipt, click the New Receipt drop-down and select the desired receipt type.

Note: SalesPad Desktop currently supports Shipment and Shipment/Invoice receipt types.

Purchase Receipt Entry


Receipt Transaction Entry, Receipt Transaction Properties, and Receipt Transaction Line Items need to be enabled in the Security Editor in order to create new and edit existing purchase receipts.

Receipt Transaction Properties - Allow Edit - Allows the user to edit fields on the purchase receipt header. Defaults to False.

Receipt Transaction Properties - Default Receipt Batch - Default receipt batch for new receipt transactions. Defaults to SALESPAD RC.

Receipt Transaction Properties - Default Shipment Invoice Receipt Workflow Queue - The default Workflow Queue where new Shipment Invoice Receipts will be placed. If no value is provided, the Default Receipt Batch security value will be used to populate the new Shipment Invoice Receipt Workflow Queue.

Receipt Transaction Properties - Default Shipment Receipt Workflow Queue - The default Workflow Queue where new Shipment Receipts will be placed. If no value is provided, the Default Receipt Batch security value will be used to populate the new Shipment Receipt Workflow Queue.

Creating a New Receipt

When creating a new purchase receipt, an empty receipt transaction entry screen will open, allowing you to select desired receipt properties and add new receipt lines.

The following header fields are required based on selected receipt type:


  • Vendor ID

  • Queue/batch

  • Receipt Date


  • Vendor ID
  • Queue/batch
  • Receipt Date
  • Vendor Doc Num

Editing an Existing Receipt

Certain receipt fields, such as the receipt number and vendor ID, cannot be changed after the receipt has been created. These fields will appear as read-only on the Purchase Receipt Entry card.

Purchase Receipt Line Items


Receipt Transaction Line Items - Unreceived Line Color - Color of the receipt line that has not been fully received. Defaults to Red.

Adding Receipt Lines

To add a new receipt line to the purchase receipt, click the Add button and enter the desired item number, quantity shipped, and location.

The location is a required field. If this field is left blank when attempting to save the receipt, you will get the eConnect error 4601.

Note: The newly-added receipt line will not be linked to a PO line. If you would like to generate receipt lines from a purchase order, please use the Add From PO button instead.

When you add a new receipt line, the line will automatically change color (controlled by Unreceived Line Color security), letting you know that it has not been received yet. Once the line is fully received using the Serial/Lot Receiving plugin, the line will change back to its default color.

If you attempt to save the receipt without fully receiving it, SalesPad will prompt you to finish receiving the receipt.

If you choose Yes, the Serial/Lot Receiving plugin will automatically open, allowing you to finish receiving the receipt. If you choose No, the receipt will be saved as is with Qty Shipped reduced to match the total receipt line details quantity. If you choose Cancel, the receipt will not be saved.

Adding Receipt Lines From a Purchase Order

To add a receipt line that is linked to a purchase order, click the Add From PO button. Purchase Order Line Selector window will open, allowing you to select which purchase order lines you would like to add to the receipt. Please see the Purchase Order Line Selection section of this documentation for more information.

When a linked receipt line is added to the purchase receipt, SalesPad will display a small triangle indicator in the upper left-hand corner of the row. The indicator will have a different color if the line has been received or not:

  • Goldenrod - Quantity shipped is 0. The receipt line has not been received.
  • Goldenrod/green - Quantity shipped is greater than the total line detail quantity. The receipt line has been partially received.
  • Green - Quantity shipped is equal to the total line detail quantity. The receipt line has been fully received.

Deleting Receipt Lines

To delete an existing receipt line from the purchase receipt, select it and click the Delete button. Click OK on the prompt to confirm receipt line deletion.

To delete multiple receipt lines, hold the CTRL key while selecting them and click the Delete button.

Update Vendor Items

If the Vendor Item Number column is left blank, clicking the Update Vendor Items button will automatically populate it with the selected item number and item description.

Purchase Order Selection


The Receipt Transaction Purchase Orders security enables the Purchase Orders tab on the Purchase Receipt Entry card.

The Receipt Purchase Order Selection security enables the PO Selection plugin.

Add PO

Click the Add PO button to link a new purchase order to the current purchase receipt. PO Selection plugin will open, allowing you to select purchase order(s) you would like to link.

Remove PO

Click the Remove PO button to remove existing purchase order link(s). Click OK on the confirmation prompt to confirm.

PO Selection

PO Selection screen is used to link purchase order(s) to a purchase receipt. This creates a weak link, meaning that you still need to link individual PO lines to receipt lines in order to fully receive a purchase order.

You can search purchase orders by the PO number, promised start date, and promised end date. Only standard purchase orders with new, released, or change order status and vendor ID matching the purchase receipt will be displayed.

Select the purchase order(s) you would like to link and click the Add Selected button to complete the link.

Note: Linked purchase orders will show up on the Purchase Orders tab on the Purchase Receipt Entry card.

Purchase Order Line Selection


The Receipt Transaction Purchase Line Selector security enables the Receipt Transaction Purchase Line Selector screen on the Purchase Receipt Entry card.

Receipt Transaction Purchase Line Selector

The Purchase Order Line Selector screen is used to link purchase order line item(s) to a purchase receipt. You can open the screen by clicking the Add From PO button on the Line Items tab on the Receipt Transaction Entry card.

You can search purchase line items by the PO number, item number, item description, promised start date, and promised end date. Only standard purchase orders with new, released, or change order status and vendor ID matching the purchase receipt will be displayed.

Select the purchase order line item(s) you want to add to the purchase receipt and click the Add Selected button to add them to the receipt.

Link Indicator

If a purchase order line item is already on a purchase receipt, SalesPad will display a small triangle indicator in the upper left-hand corner of the row. The indicator will be displayed if the PO line is linked to a purchase receipt and will have a different color if the line has been received or not:

  • Goldenrod - Quantity shipped is 0. The PO line has not been received.
  • Goldenrod/green - Quantity shipped is less than quantity ordered. The PO line has been partially received.
  • Green - Quantity shipped is equal to quantity ordered. The PO line has been fully received.

Serial/Lot Receiving


Receipt Transaction Serial/Lot Receiving - Allow UDF Layout Customization - Disables/Enables access to UDF Layout Customization. (False)

Receipt Transaction Serial/Lot Receiving - Apply User Field Values To Received Lots With Same Name - If set to True, existing Lot Tracked items will have their user field values copied to received Lot Tracked items with the same Lot Number for the receiving Item Number. (False)

Receipt Transaction Serial/Lot Receiving - Include Historical Lot User Fields - If set to True, SalesPad will copy user field data from historical lots if no open lots exist for the selected item/lot combination. This security option requires the Apply User Field Values to Received Lots With Same Name security to be enabled.

Receipt Transaction Serial/Lot Receiving - Lot Userfield Roll Down Override - Selected Lot User Fields will not be saved when rolling down changes. This setting requires the Apply User Field Values To Received Lots With Same Name security to be enabled.

Serial/Lot Receiving

To receive Serial Numbers, Lot Numbers, or items into a specific Bin, navigate to the Actions drop-down menu in the Receipt Transaction Header and select Serial/Lot Receiving. This will open the Serial/Lot Receiving screen, which is used to designate which Serial Numbers, Lot Numbers, and/or Bins the items you are receiving will be associated with. The Quantity Shipped value is the driving quantity field for this plugin, meaning the Serial, Lot, and Bin item quantity that will be assigned to this receipt will be equal to the Quantity Shipped value.

Validation will be performed prior to opening the Serial/Lot Receiving screen, so if a Receipt Line Item has an empty Location value or no Vendor ID is provided on the Receipt, the user will be alerted via a popup message.

If all pre-loading validation passes for the Serial/Lot Receiving screen, the Serial/Lot Receiving screen will be opened for use. This screen has 4 primary sections: The Receipt Line Item grid, the selected Receipt Line Item properties and entry section, the Receipt Line Serial/Lot grid, and the User Defined Field tab control. Clicking the OK button on this plugin will cause the Receipt to be saved, and will save all the changes made in this plugin. Clicking the Cancel button or exiting the plugin will not save any changes.

Receipt Line Item Grid

A list of all Serial Tracked and Lot Tracked items will be displayed in the Receipt Line Item grid, as well as any untracked Sales Inventory, Discontinued, or Kit items if the GP environment is a Multi-Bin environment. 

Receipt Line Item Properties and Entry

The properties of the selected Receipt Line Item in the Receipt Line Item grid will be displayed in the Receipt Line Item Properties and Entry section. Additionally, depending on whether the selected Receipt Line Item is Lot Tracked, Serial Tracked, or an untracked Multi-Bin Item, the Entry subsection will have various controls accessible and have labels altered. Furthermore, the Bin field will only be accessible and visible if GP has a Multi-Bin environment.

The Receipt Line Item Properties and Entry section of a Lot Tracked Item in a Multi-Bin Environment:

The Receipt Line Item Properties and Entry section of a Serial Tracked Multi-Bin Item:

The Receipt Line Item Properties and Entry section of a Non-Tracked Multi-Bin Item:

The Entry subsection is used to enter the new Serial/Lot/Multi-bin Item data that will be associated to the selected Receipt Line Item. The Copy From Lot button will open a Lot Number Search popup that will, when a Lot Number is selected from the search popup, store that Lot Number in the UDFs Copied From Lot field and will apply the Copied Lot’s UDF values to the next Serial/Lot/Multi-bin Item that is added to the Receipt Line Serial/Lot grid through insertion. The Copy From Lot button is only available and accessible when a Lot Tracked Item is selected.

The Lot Number Entry section after copying from LOT A:

The Lot properties being copied from LOT A:

The Lot properties of the newly inserted TestLot2 lot:

Additionally, if the Apply User FIeld Values To Received Lots With Same Name security is enabled, entering an existing Lot Number with existing UDF data into the Lot Number field will automatically populate the newly receiving Lot with the existing Lot UDF data. The user will be alerted that a Lot UDF rolldown will occur because the UDFs Copied From Lot field will be populated with (ROLLDOWN LOT) followed by the Lot Number.

If the Include Historical Lot User Fields security is enabled, SalesPad will copy user field data from historical lots if no open lots exist for the selected item/lot combination. This security option requires the Apply User Field Values to Received Lots With Same Name security to be enabled.

The Lot Number Entry section when rolling down UDFs from LOT A:

The Rolled Down Lot properties of the newly inserted LOT A lot:

If the Auto-Generate checkbox is checked, the Lot/Serial Number field will be set to Read Only and, upon clicking the Insert button, the inserted Lot/Serial Number will have a Lot/Serial Number value of ‘AUTO-ASSIGN’ and, upon clicking the OK button, will have a new Lot/Serial Number populated using the rules in the SalesPad Auto Assign Lot Number Format and Auto Assign Serial Number Format settings. The Auto-Generate checkbox will

The Lot Number Entry section after copying from LOT A and Checking Auto-Generate:

The Receipt Line Serial/Lot grid immediately after inserting an Auto-Generate Lot Tracked Item:

The Receipt Line Serial/Lot grid after saving the changes and re-entering the plugin

Receipt Line Serial/Lot Grid

The Receipt Line Serial/Lot grid will contain a list of all the Serial Numbers, Lot Numbers, and/or Bins that are to be associated to the selected Receipt Line Item. The quantity of a Lot Number can be directly altered in this grid, as can the Bin if GP is set up in a Multi-Bin environment. Validation will be performed on values entered in the Quantity Selected field to ensure only positive numeric values that are less than or equal to the Remaining Quantity are entered into this field. Setting a Quantity value of 0 will remove the selected item from this grid. Additionally, clicking the Remove button will remove the selected item from this grid. Clicking the Remove All button will remove all items from the grid for the selected Receipt Line Item.

Bin Dropdown Editor on Receipt Line Serial/Lot grid:

Validation on Quantity Selected Field of Receipt Line Serial/Lot grid:

User Defined Field Tab Control

The User Defined Field tab control will have its Receipt Line UDF fields populated by the UDFs assigned to the selected Receipt Line Item. The Lot UDFs and Serial UDFs will be populated by the UDFs assigned to the Lot or Serial selected in the Receipt Line Serial/Lot grid. Only the UDF tab that pertains to the selected Receipt Line Serial/Lot grid item will be enabled.

Serial UDFs Tab on a Lot Tracked Item:

Upon clicking the OK button, some validation occurs to ensure that the quantity of Serial Numbers and Lot Numbers you’ve assigned equals the Quantity Shipped provided for the selected Line Item. If it doesn’t, a list of all Item Numbers that have an assigned quantity lower than the stated Quantity Shipped will be provided in a popup. An option to continue will be provided, at the cost of adjusting the Quantity Shipped of any lines with an assigned quantity lower than the specified Quantity Shipped to t

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  1. Sarah Schaefer

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