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Vendor VRM


Vendor VRM is a contact log that is available in the Vendor Card. Users can add, edit, and delete notes about contacts.

Table of Contents

To use Vendor VRM, open the Vendor Card. There will be a VRM tab to select at the bottom of the card.

Creating a New Entry

To create an entry, click the New button. This will open the Vendor Note Entry window.

You can enter the note in the Note text box and select the type of note with the Type dropdown menu.

Press the OK button to save the notes, or the Cancel button to cancel the entry.

Delete an Entry

To delete an entry, select a VRM note from the log and press the Delete button. SalesPad will ask you to confirm the delete. Simply click Yes to delete the note.

Editing an Entry

To edit the note, click into the text box and edit the text as necessary. The sub-security Can Edit Notes under the Vendor VRM securitymust be set to True.


Security Settings

Vendor VRM* – Allows users to see the VRM tab.

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