The Un-Tab feature, new in Sales Pad 4 .2, allows you to maximize forms so you can see more data on the screen when working in SalesPad. The un-tab feature enables you to right-click to the Un-Tab Window in order to maximize any tab or form. You can also right-click Re-Tab Window within the un-tabbed window to return to the original tab or form.
Un-Tab Window
The feature works in the Customer Card or Vendor Card, as well as all Sales, Inventory, and Purchasing modules in Sales Pad. Using the Customer Card as an example, you can see how the window functions.
Click on Customer Search and open the Customer Card for the customer you’re looking for. Click on the Item History Tab, right-click, and then select Un-Tab Window.
By selecting Un- Tab Window, you launch the tab as a separate form that can be maximized, minimized, or resized as desired.
Re-Tab Window
You can also select Re-Tab Window in this separate form to be returned to the Customer Card. While you are in the new window, right-click at the top of the screen and select Re-Tab Window.
This will return you to the original tab or form in the Customer Card.
The Un-Tab/Re-Tab Window feature is available for each item description in the Sales Pad Module, such as Contact Addresses, CRM, Note, A/ R, Sales Documents, etc.
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