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Packing in ShipCenter


Packing can be done in ShipCenter, SalesPad Desktop, or DataCollection. If a document has preexisting packages or shipments, they will be available for shipping in
ShipCenter by selecting the document in ShipCenter’s Shipment Monitor, then double-clicking the shipment from the Shipments grid. 

Packages created in DataCollection will be grouped into a shipment per document in ShipCenter. Shipments created or modified in ShipCenter will also be visible in SalesPad Desktop, along with tracking and freight cost information.

Note: This documentation covers package setup functionality for ShipCenter versions beyond version 1.2. For documentation on packing in ShipCenter in versions 1.2 and older, please reference this documentation.

Package Templates

Package Templates allow for the definition of the shipping containers you intend to use. This eliminates the need to enter package dimensions for each shipment. Instead, users select the appropriate template from a predefined list on the New Shipment screen.

To add a Package Template, Click the New button on the Package Templates tab. Add the dimensions according to the desired package size, then click OK.

Existing templates are displayed in the Packages grid. They can be modified using the Edit button, or removed with the Delete button.

Any templates that were created in SalesPad Desktop do not need to be duplicated, as they will appear automatically in the packing screen.

To add a Package Template to a shipment, click in the Package Template window. Select the desired template. The dimensions and weight from the template will be added to the shipment.

Packing Items on a Shipment

In the Shipment Editor, click the Items button. Sales line items are shown based on fulfillment. (i.e. If the sales document has a serial tracked line item with a
quantity of 2, this grid will show 2 lines, one for each serial). Quantities on this screen are shown in the item's base UofM. 

The Packages grid displays each package and the line items that belong to each package. If a shipping weight is specified for an item, this weight will be added to the total package weight when the item is added to the package.

To assign a line to a package, select a line and click Send to New Package, Send to Existing Package, or drag and drop onto the Packages grid. This will assign the remaining quantity of unpacked items from that line, then focus the Quantity field. 

You can also enter a value in the Item Number/Serial field, then press the Tab key. This will assign a quantity of 1 to the selected package of the first unpacked item that matches either the item number, serial number or lot number entered. This method can be used with a barcode scanner by focusing the Item Number/Serial field and setting the scanner up to send a Tab character after scanning the code. 

Alternatively, enter or scan a value into the Barcode Lookup field to add a new package to the shipment from the template associated with that barcode. 

Remove items or packages from the shipment by selecting the row in the grid and either clicking the Remove Line button or pressing the Delete key.


Shipment Editor - Prevent Partial Shipment: If enabled, all lines on the sales document must be fully packed before processing the shipment. 

Shipment Monitor - Grants access to the Shipment monitor to view shipping source documents and generate shipments from them.

Package Templates - Grants access to the module, allowing the creation of templates.


Source Document > Ship Complete - If enabled and no line items have been packed, all line items will be automatically assigned to the first package on the shipment (Default: True).
Forward Only On Fully Shipped - If enabled, ShipCenter will only attempt to forward a document through workflow when all of its line items have been packed.

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  1. Will Miedema

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