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Credit Card Processing: Order Deposits

Cavallo supports deposits on documents during the ordering process. In order to take advantage of this feature, please see the below settings configuration options with a brief explanation of how they each operate:

In the settings menu under payments, there is a dropdown menu called “Order Deposit Option” that contains 2 choices (Default and Create Cash Receipt) 

Default: By selecting the default option from the dropdown, any payments made against an order will be sent to the Business Central cash journals page under their corresponding templates at the time an order is invoiced. This means that as long as the order remains open, the amount will not affect a customer's outstanding balance. 

Create Cash Receipt: By selecting the Create Cash Receipt option from the dropdown, any payment made to an order will be shown on the corresponding cash journal template in Business Central immediately after payment has been taken. The order total will still wait until invoicing to be shown in the customer's outstanding balance. 

When either of the above options are utilized,  links will be made in Business Central directly to the customer. Both options have a unique set of use cases that can be updated at any time in the application depending on how a business operates. If you have any questions please contact your Cavallo sales representative or

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