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Mission Control: Setting up Activity Logs

Activity Logs are a tool in Cavallo for Business Central that allow users to view changes made to a document, who made those changes, and when.  Enabling Activity Logs in Cavallo requires a Service Connection to be set up in BC, and for Change Logs to be configured in BC.

To set up a Service Connection for Cavallo in BC, follow the instructions here.

To set up Change Logs in Business Central, follow the instructions below:

  1. Log into Business Central in the Environment/Company you'd like to use Activity Logs in.
  2. Click the Search Icon at the top right of the screen.
  3. In the search bar, enter "Change Log Setup"
  4. Select the "Charge Log Setup" option from the results list, under "Go to Pages and Tasks"
  5. Click the button to enable the "Change Log Activated" setting.
  6. Click on the "Setup" button near the top left of the screen, then click "Tables"
  7. Click the "Search" button near the top left of the screen, and enter "Sales Header"
  8. For each column "Log Insertion", "Log Modification", and "Log Deletion", select either "All Fields" or "Some Fields"
    1. "All Fields" is the safest option to catch every possible change, and Cavallo will log all changes made to all fields on the object.
    2. If you'd like to limit what is logged, either to limit what is shown in the activity log, or to preserve storage space, selecting "Some Fields" is another option.
      1. If "Some Fields" is selected, which fields are logged can be set by hitting the "..." button next to the selected option.
      2. At minimum, "Doc Type", "DC User ID", and "DC User Change Time" should be enabled for all options
      3. Any other fields that are desired to be logged can be enabled.  It's recommended to enable the same fields for Insertion, Modification, and Deletion for maximum consistency.
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