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Inventory Manager Server Module


The DataCollection Server module is used to create a web service for mobile devices running the DataCollection mobile app. The service allows the application to access information in the SQL database, and it is required for using the mobile app successfully. This service can be configured locally (within the application) or installed as a Windows service. For information on creating a web page using IIS, see our documentation found here.

Creating a Service Within the Application

After opening the module, to start the service from within the DataCollection application, click on the green Start button. 

After starting the service, the Stop button and the hyperlink in the Server Settings field will become active.

Click the hyperlink to verify that a service has been successfully created. A service page that can be reached from the mobile device will have a blue banner across the top of the web page.

A service started in this manner will only be active while the DataCollection Server tab is open. Closing this tab or closing the application will stop the service, as will clicking the Stop button.

Installing as a Windows Service

The DataCollection service can also be installed as a Windows service. To initiate this process, click on the Install As Service button.

In the Introduction Tab of the Install Service Wizard, click Next and enter the credentials that will be used to install the service.

In the Automation tab, select the desired Service Startup Type and click Next.

After clicking on the Next button in the Automation tab, the service will install and a confirmation box will appear.

Click Finish to close the Install Service Wizard. After the service has been installed as a Windows service, it can be reconfigured or uninstalled using the Reconfigure Service or Uninstall Service buttons, respectively.


To use an SSL certificate for the service, select an available certificate from the dropdown list. 

After to use the certificate, the setting Enable SSL must be set to True.

Also in settings, the Chosen Certificate must be set to the same certificate selected from the DataCollection Server tab.

Server Log

The Server Log displays changes made to the service. Each time the service is started or stopped, either by using the Start/Stop buttons, or by installing and uninstalling as a Windows service, an entry is logged in the grid.


DataCollection Server - Grants access to the DataCollection Server module.


Chosen Certificate - The chosen SSL certificate for  secure connections. This settings has no default value.

Enable SSL - Turn on SSL and Certificates. Defaults to False.

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  1. Will Miedema

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
