/* SalesPad PayFabric Theme Chartreuse*/ .salespad {} a { color: #7FFF00; } div.Checkoutpage { width: 720px; } .Checkoutpage #submitform { text-align: center; margin-right: 5px; margin-left: 5px; } /* border around each section */ .Checkoutpage #summary, .Checkoutpage #payment, .Checkoutpage #billaddress, .Checkoutpage #shipaddress { width: 350px !important; border: 1px solid #d3d3d3; } .Checkoutpage #payment, .Checkoutpage #payment, .Checkoutpage #billaddress + #shipaddress { margin-left:5px; } .Checkoutpage .Fix_CC { margin: 5px 0; } /*Section indentation*/ .Checkoutpage #summary div, .Checkoutpage #billaddress div, .Checkoutpage .ContainerSub { padding-left: 15px; } /*Indentation for 'Use New Address'*/ .Checkoutpage .ContainerSub { padding-top: 19px; padding-bottom: 16px; } /*Credit Card info indentation and styling*/ .Checkoutpage .CardContainer { margin-bottom: 0; background: none; padding: 10px 20px; box-sizing: border-box; width: 350px; } /*Headers*/ .Checkoutpage #summary h5, .Checkoutpage #payment h5, .Checkoutpage #billaddress h5, .Checkoutpage #shipaddress h5 { border-bottom: 1px solid #d3d3d3; width: 100%; background: #e4e4e4; text-indent: 18px; } /*Square appearence for dropdowns and text inputs*/ .Checkoutpage select, .Checkoutpage input[type=text], .Checkoutpage input[type=tel], .Checkoutpage .ui-combobox-input { border-radius: 0 !important; } /*dropdown and input sizing*/ .Checkoutpage #payment select { width: 166px; } .Checkoutpage #summary input[type=text] { width: 150px; } .CardDate input#exptime2 { margin-left: 5px; } .Checkoutpage #summary select, .Checkoutpage #billaddress input[type=text], .Checkoutpage #NewShipAddresses_CountryCode, .Checkoutpage #NewShipAddresses_CityCode, .Checkoutpage #NewShipAddresses_StateCode, .Checkoutpage #NewShipAddresses_ZipCode, .Checkoutpage #NewShipAddresses_Phone1, .Checkoutpage #NewShipAddresses_Email, .Checkoutpage #NewShipAddresses_AddressLine1, .Checkoutpage #NewShipAddresses_AddressLine2, .Checkoutpage #NewShipAddresses_AddressLine3, .Checkoutpage #NewCard_CardHolderFirstName, .Checkoutpage #NewCard_CardHolderLastName { width: 155px !important; } /*Labels and input next to each other*/ .Checkoutpage .MiddleInitial, .Checkoutpage .historycards, .Checkoutpage .setupid, .Checkoutpage .currency, .Checkoutpage .batch, .Checkoutpage .total, .Checkoutpage .trxtype, .Checkoutpage .City, .Checkoutpage .State, .Checkoutpage .Zip, .Checkoutpage .CardDate, .Checkoutpage .FirstName, .Checkoutpage .LastName, .Checkoutpage .cvv2 { width:100%; display:table; table-layout:fixed; } /*Labels and input next to each other*/ .Checkoutpage .cvv2 label, .Checkoutpage .FirstName label, .Checkoutpage .MiddleInitial label, .Checkoutpage .LastName label, .Checkoutpage .historycards label, .Checkoutpage .setupid label, .Checkoutpage .currency label, .Checkoutpage .batch label, .Checkoutpage .total label, .Checkoutpage .trxtype label, .Checkoutpage .City label, .Checkoutpage .State label, .Checkoutpage .Zip label, .Checkoutpage .CardDate label { display: table-cell; width: 110px; padding-right: 5px; float: none !important; vertical-align: middle; font-weight: initial !important; } .Checkoutpage label.CardTypeNumber { width: 110px; padding-right: 5px; } .Checkoutpage .ccinput-cardnumber { float: none !important; max-width: 130px !important; } /*Hide batch, paylater, and level two*/ .Checkoutpage #trxL2Field, .Checkoutpage .batch label, .Checkoutpage .batch, .Checkoutpage .paylater label, .Checkoutpage .paylater { display: none; } .Checkoutpage .RContainer { top: 7px; left: 271px; } .Checkoutpage .RContainer img { width: 30px; height: auto; } /*removes some unwanted padding in card container*/ .Checkoutpage .cvv2, .Checkoutpage .LastName, .Checkoutpage .MiddleInitial { margin-left: 0; } .Checkoutpage .City, .Checkoutpage .State, .Checkoutpage .Zip, .Checkoutpage .Trx_BillCountry, .Checkoutpage .Trx_BillPhone, .Checkoutpage .Phone, .Checkoutpage .Email { padding-left: 0px !important; } .Checkoutpage #ChosenCardID { margin-bottom: 0; } /*Line up address fields*/ .Checkoutpage input#NewBillAddresses_AddressLine2, .Checkoutpage input#NewBillAddresses_AddressLine3, .Checkoutpage input#NewShipAddresses_AddressLine2, .Checkoutpage input#NewShipAddresses_AddressLine3 { margin-left: 115px; } .Checkoutpage #NewBillAddresses_Phone1, .Checkoutpage #NewBillAddresses_Email, .Checkoutpage #NewShipAddresses_CountryCode, .Checkoutpage #NewBillAddresses_Phone1, .Checkoutpage input#NewShipAddresses_Phone1, .Checkoutpage input#NewShipAddresses_Email, .Checkoutpage input#NewBillAddresses_AddressLine1, .Checkoutpage input#NewBillAddresses_CountryCode, .Checkoutpage input#NewShipAddresses_AddressLine1 { float: none; } .Checkoutpage label.Trx_BillAddress, .Checkoutpage label.StreetAddress, .Checkoutpage label.Country, .Checkoutpage label.Phone, .Checkoutpage label.Email, .Checkoutpage label.Trx_BillCountry, .Checkoutpage label.Trx_BillPhone { width: 110px; margin-bottom: 16px; padding-right: 5px; } /*Adjust spacing between fields*/ .Checkoutpage .CardTypeNumber input , .Checkoutpage .ContainerSub input, .Checkoutpage .CardContainer input { margin-bottom: 7px; } /*Button Styling*/ input[type="button"], input[type="submit"] { border: 1px solid #c5c5c5; background-color: #7FFF00; color: #7FFF00; border-radius: 0px !important; } input[type="button"]:hover, input[type="submit"]:hover, input[type="button"]:focus, input[type="submit"]:focus { border: 1px solid #ababab; background-color: #7FFF00; color: #7FFF00; } .buttonContainer-CheckoutPage { width: 720px; } /*Shipping Information dropdown styling*/ .Checkoutpage .ui-combobox input { border: 1px solid #bfbfbf !important; border-right: 0; width: 75%; height: 22px; padding: 0 5px; color: #7FFF00; } .Checkoutpage .ui-combobox a { border: 1px solid #bfbfbf !important; border-radius: 0px !important; height: 22px; margin-top: -5px; vertical-align: top; } .Checkoutpage #trxL2Field, .Checkoutpage #trxL3Field { Visibility: hidden; height: 0px; } /*Wallet*/ /*Square appearence for dropdowns and text inputs*/ .Wallet select, .Wallet input[type=text], .Wallet input[type=tel], .Wallet .ui-combobox-input { border-radius: 0 !important; } .Wallet #payment{ display: table-cell; width: 105px; float: none !important; vertical-align: top; font-weight: initial !important; } .Wallet #billaddress { display: table-cell; width: 105px; float: none !important; vertical-align: top; font-weight: initial !important; margin-left: 5px; padding-left: 15px; } .Wallet .City, .Wallet .State, .Wallet .Zip { display: table-cell; float: none !important; } .Wallet .RContainer { top: 40px; left: 195px; } .Wallet .RContainer img { width: 30px; height: auto; } .Wallet #btn_Close { visibility: hidden; } .Wallet .buttonContainer { width: 100%; }